
OtherOCHAServices.FinancialTrackingService·HumanitarianDataExchange·HumanitarianID·HumanitarianResponse·Inter-AgencyStandingCommittee ...,UNHCREthiopia|RefugeeShelterInterventionsMonitoringDashboard|December2023.UNHCREthiopia|RefugeeShelterInterventionsMonitoringDashboard ...,Forthemostrecentinformationonpledges&contributions,pleaseseethedashboard....Shouldyouhaveanycommentsorqueries,orwis...

Common Operational Datasets

Other OCHA Services. Financial Tracking Service · Humanitarian Data Exchange · Humanitarian ID · Humanitarian Response · Inter-Agency Standing Committee ...

Operational Data Portal

UNHCR Ethiopia | Refugee Shelter Interventions Monitoring Dashboard | December 2023. UNHCR Ethiopia | Refugee Shelter Interventions Monitoring Dashboard ...

Pledges & Contributions

For the most recent information on pledges & contributions, please see the dashboard. ... Should you have any comments or queries, or wish to bring to our ...

Ratification of 18 International Human Rights Treaties. ... Note: Click HERE for the application of the treaty to overseas, non-self-governing, and other ...

UNHCR Iran protection dashboard | Jan

2023年8月12日 — UNHCR's reception and counseling facilities provide an accessible and easy way for refugees and asylum seekers in need to connect with UNHCR ...

UNHCR Jordan

2023年5月11日 — 70 refugees and memebers of the host community across Jordan engaged in discussions to provide feedback regarding UNHCR interventions in 2022.

UN Treaty Body Database

OHCHR supports the work of treaty bodies and assists them in harmonizing their working methods and reporting requirements through their secretariats. There ...

UNHCR WASH Dashboard

Monthly Report Card, Annual Household KAP Record. Site Population, Number of persons per usable handpump / well / spring, Number of persons per usable water ...


We mobilize aid, share information, support humanitarian efforts, and advocate for crisis-affected communities. Read more. Where we work. Our presence in crisis ...